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70 minutes and 660 euro to go for a Metavira campaign!

Autorenbild: AdminAdmin


we are so very close to the finish! With just 75 minutes to go and just 660 Euro shy of the next stretch goal we can make it with your support!

Thanks to over 140 votes since yesterday's update, you have managed to get us to 21st place in the boardgamegeek survey for most anticipated game 2018 at present! So we will add whatever the next stretch goal is after we have reached the end of the campaign.

And you know what? If we make our 65k€ stretch goal, we will also add Lucas Santino and Fallow Trees, so you get a fully playable JA 1 mini campaign. How does that sound?

So get your game gear on and get us to the finish line! Vote us up on boardgamegeek (just give a thumbs up below the game's post at 279)



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