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Minis ready for print and Castle von Loghan on KS


Hi there,

jeez...has it been two weeks since the latest update? Time sure flies when you are having work..... Well the minis have been occupying us a lot lately as we are going into production. We had quite some back and forth with the manufacturer - and usually that is the place to complain about the Chinese factory and how difficult it is, but I have to say: It was a great collaboration. We picked a slightly more expensive manufacturing service in the hopes that this would provide better quality and so far that worked out. Let's see what happens when we actually get the first samples.

We did some testing with regards to making the minis as large as possible while still allowing enough of them in a sector tile, so it does not get crowded and we ended up with them around 28-30 mm, which is a nice size. The one thing we could not make as big is the tank - it will be long enough to cover an entire sector part, so we could not make it any larger.

Of course Shadow can still ambush it from behind with his deadly blade ;)

In other news

The Castle von Loghan Kickstarter we are doing with our friends from Tangled Towers is going well and if the last days bring the usual additional backers that should push it easily over the line and open up a few nice stretch goals as well. The time travelling theme and great story content plus unique combat and loot system make this one a real gem!

If you haven't heard from it yet, check out the review videos on the KS page or watch the ones below.

McGuire review:

Or the German review by one of our JA backers!

See you next time with a few updates on our board designs!

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