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Games on the High Seas and French Rules!

Hey there,

as some of you have (rightly) asked about the state of the shipment, here is what we know. The game have been sent to individual backers in Asia and should be with you already. They also landed in Australia and are processed through customs to Aetherworks for delivery.

Both Europe and the US shipment are still under way. Europe should arrive in port the next days and the US about ten days from now (the initial plan was to land at the West Coast, now we move through New York to Quartermaster.

As soon as delivery starts we will let you know!

And thanks to the dedication and hard work by Pierre (hooray!) we also have a French Rule version. Now I am not really able to proofread this in any way, so if there is anyone out there willing to have a go at it, we have the word document right here!

Now there is nothing to do but wait and play with our favorite cat.

If you are interested in meeting us, we will be playing a nice round of the game at the T3 store in Frankfurt/Main in June (watch their board for details) and we will have two tables at the CCXP in Cologne from the 27th to 30th of June. Drop by and say hi!

We have also got some reviewers checking out the game, but if you want to support us, please reach out to your favorite reviewer and ask them to cover Jagged Alliance - we can always use more exposure!



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